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Maune Raichle's website informs visitors about Mesothelioma

published July 23, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Maune Raichle's website informs visitors about Mesothelioma

St. Louis-based law firm Maune Raichle has launched a website containing information about Mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. The law firm's website provides information on the prevention, symptoms, and diagnosis of the disease.

Promoted with the assistance of ePlus Marketing, the website aims at helping patients and their kin gather more information about the disease. Often, workers exposed to asbestos on the job due to improper protection, breathe in these microscopic asbestos fibers. The new website, apart from dealing with its causes and treatments, also educates people on other legal information related to the terminal disease.

Maune Raichle assists victims of Mesothelioma throughout the country. Its lawyers represent clients on a contingent fee basis where payment is taken only for patients who recover from their illness. ePlus Marketing, an Internet marketing firm, provides e-marketing, web development, and web globalization services.

PlatformOne helps Thorp Reed to go live with HRO Services
Pittsburgh law firm Thorp Reed & Armstrong (TRA) has gone live with PlatformOne's comprehensive HR outsourcing solutions for technology, services, and support. PlatformOne provides mid-market companies having around 15,000 employees with HR business processing outsourcing (BPO) solutions. The law firm estimates that the HRO services will save it $100,000 annually from the operating budget and Two FTEs.

With the adoption of PlatformOne's integrated set of HR technologies and services, TRA's HR management team will be able to handle payroll accuracy, benefits claims and personnel administration with greater ease. The technology helped the firm's administrative support staff to get more time to help the firm's attorneys and clients. The impact of the new technology on the firm's staff of 120 paralegals and office administrators that supports 106 partners and associate attorneys has been immense. William R. Shipley, the firm's executive director, stated that the "workload' has lessened largely. The firm can now "redeploy them to more strategic firm management initiatives."


Typo in scratch-off tickets puts Honda Dealership in a tizzy
Thousands of Roswell residents apparently won a $1,000 grand prize that was supposed to be won by just one. On behalf of a Roswell Honda dealership, Atlanta-based Force Events Direct Marketing mailed 50,000 scratch-off tickets containing a typographical error. Instead of having one lucky ticket in the lot, all reflected grand prizes. According to the Honda dealership, 20,000 tickets could be stopped at the post office before they could be sent out. However, most damage was done. Swamped with 'winners' demanding their monies, the dealership could do little except offering them a $5,000 dealership drawing. The disappointed and angry people were also offered to draw a Wal-Mart gift card of between $5 and $100, "to offset the gas expense" for their drive to the dealership. Since the blunder was accidental, both the companies do not expect to be legally obliged to honor all of the scratch-off ticket winners.
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