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''People Will Stare. Make It Worth Their While.''

published June 29, 2007

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The earrings, created in 2006, are known as the "Extraordinary Diamond Drop Earrings" and are comprised of two pear-shaped diamonds set in platinum. Altogether, the pair contains 60.1 carats of sparkling decadence.

Winston, whose jewels are famous for adorning the necks, ears, and fingers of Oscar-goers, died in 1978. Twenty years earlier, in 1958, he donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution. He became a jeweler after purchasing Arabella Huntington's jewelry collection when she died. He proceeded to rework the jewelry and prove himself to be a skilled craftsman.

Celebrities who have donned Winston diamonds over the years include Madonna, Grace Kelly, Katharine Hepburn, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dolly Parton, and Michelle Pfeiffer. One of the most memorable Harry Winston diamonds among pop-culture fanatics of this day and age just might be the six-carat pink-diamond engagement ring Ben Affleck purchased for his then fiancée Jennifer Lopez for more than $1 million.

In addition to A-list celebs, the House of Winston has also done diamond business with kings and queens, maharajas and sultans. To purchase the earrings, you can visit the House of Winston on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, CA.
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