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Martindale-Hubbell ties up with Spot Runner for first-of-its-kind local TV Ad

published June 20, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Martindale-Hubbell ties up with Spot Runner for first-of-its-kind local TV Ad

A few legal firms in the U.S. are all set to shed their garb of seriousness, as LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell and Spot Runner have joined hands. The former is a high-flying publisher of legal directory while the latter is an Internet-based advertising company. This novel partnership would address the issues of family law, drunken driving, personal injury, and general practice in a light hearted manner via the 'television advertising' way. Commercials for criminal and immigration law are also in pipeline.

Being reasonably priced, Martindale-Hubbell's low-budget advertisements will be aired on local markets on top-rated broadcast and cable channels like CBS, CNN, ESPN, and Fox News. Despite the fact that the Spot Runner website offers a general library off-the-shelf commercials, the ads for Martindale-Hubbell affiliates would be especially tailor-made to suit its requirements. "By teaming up with Spot Runner, we are now the first legal services company to offer law firms of all sizes an affordable product that allows them to capitalize on the power of television to build their brands and attract new clients," said Sharon Lubrano, senior director of product management for LexisNexis.

Dual recognition for Fross Zelnick
Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C. , a leading name in trademark and copyright laws, has again notched up the topmost position in trademark laws. The announcement was made by The International Who's Who of Business Lawyers. For Fross Zelnick, the recognition is second time in a row.

The International Who's Who of Business Lawyers acknowledged Fross Zelnick attorneys Michael I. Davis, Susan Upton Douglass, Marie Driscoll, David W. Ehrlich, Janet Hoffman, Ronald J. Lehrman, Peter J. Silverman, and Roger L. Zissu for their legal expertise and for their outstanding contribution to the profession on a global scale.

The firm's indisputable proficiency in trademark and copyright laws was also recognized by the Chambers USA in the New York market. The Chambers USA is an annual client guide to top-rated lawyers and law firms. The Chambers USA acknowledged Zissu as New York City's top lawyer in trademark and copyright law. Both the organizations zeroed on Fross Zelnick based on an intensive survey.


Kansas City Mayor gets a car for free
Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser has received a free car from a Honda dealership in Tiffany Springs. After a furor, ethics experts comment that though legal, Funkhouser's move is not entirely correct-it creates a public perception problem. Experts view that though the Mayor might be saving the city some money, he may lose on public confidence. Funkhouser says, "The new Mayor is not mentally challenged. Somebody offers you a brand new car you take it." According to him, there is nothing wrong in accepting the car. The dealership is not asking anything in return, except some free publicity, he says. The $23,195 Civic Hybrid will be owned and maintained by the dealership, which will replace it annually. Taxpayers will continue to cough out the Mayor's $600-a-month car allowance. Funkhouser would pay only for gasoline and insurance. However, he will have to file a disclosure report with the Missouri Ethics Commission by May 1.
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