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Schiffrin Barroway to combine forces with Israeli law firm Man-Barak

published June 11, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Schiffrin Barroway to combine forces with Israeli law firm Man-Barak

Securities and class action specialists Philadelphia-based law firm Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler has combined forces with Israeli law firm Man-Barak Advocates & Solicitors to help Israeli institutional investors with class action services. The firm's "Securities Tracker" service provides constant monitoring of the institutional investors' portfolios to spot potential claims for damages as a result of corporate wrongdoing. These institutional investors often have to seek compensation for fraudulent misuse of their investments in the U.S. and Israel. They also want to discuss about what rights they have with respect to investments in other regions and how the monitoring program would benefit pension funds, mutual fund managers, and hedge funds and other investors. The firm recently announced a historic $3 billion settlement with Tyco International, Ltd., and has also represented a group of European institutional investors in an unprecedented settlement with Royal Dutch Shell with regard to the company's oil reserve fraud. The firm has more than 60 attorneys and a staff of 100 in its roster.

Cohen & Grigsby fortifies national standing, adds muscle to practice areas
In a bid to fortify its position nationally, Pittsburgh-based business law firm Cohen & Grigsby made several recruitments to key positions within the firm. These recruitments include Mark R. Stabile who is the firm's new executive vice president. Stabile is a director in the M&A practice group. Apart from Stabile, James D. Chiafullo has been named vice president of the Technology Department. The firm announced that Morgan J. Hanson has been promoted to the position of director in the Litigation Practice Group which will be led by Andrew M. Roman, while Kerrin M. Kowach has been named as its assistant head. Jonathan M. Schmerling has been named as head of the Estates & Trusts Practice Group, while Mario Santilli, Jr. will assist him as the assistant head. W. Scott Hardy has been named assistant practice group head for the Labor & Employment Practice Group.

In addition, the firm has retained James B. Brown, practice head, Labor & Employment Practice Group, and Christopher B. Carson, practice head, Business and Tax Practice Group in their leadership positions. The firm offers legal services to private and publicly held businesses, nonprofits, multinational corporations, individuals, and start-up venture in bankruptcy, business, tax, employee benefits, estates, trusts, immigration, IP, and other legal areas.


Doctors nearly found Spock's relative...well almost!
Man begins to ooze green blood on operating table, docs flabbergasted!

News: man sheds green blood when being operated on the legs for fasciotomies - limb-saving procedures. Effect: Doctors shocked! Conclusion: He is a Vulcan. Post Result Analysis: No. What a sob! But what this shocked team of Canadian surgeons missed when their patient began oozing dark greenish-black blood was some other traits found in humanoid species. The traits were not much different from those found in all Vulcans personified by Star Trek's Mr. Spock - the Enterprise's science officer. Can't blame the medicos who soon began investigating why the blood was green instead of the usual red color. Ultimately they put the blame on the migraine medication, sumatriptan that he was taking at that time. They also discovered that the culprit was sulphur in the drug which when mixed with haemoglobin created a rare condition called sulfhaemoglobinaemia. Now, the man is well and fine and ruddier than ever before; he stopped taking sumatriptan thereafter. Kill joys! However, I am not convinced. Docs, sure his eyebrows were not arched and upswept and his ears were okay?
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