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Hersh, Mannis & Bogen, LLP

published June 04, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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<<The firm's areas of practice include family law, divorce law, family mediation, and some civil litigation, and it demonstrates thorough attention by assigning one to two partners along with one or two associates to each and every case, while every partner also has working knowledge of all the firm's cases. Hersh, Mannis & Bogen is highly sought after in many complex and high-profile cases, particularly those involving financial or custodial issues.

Situated on Wilshire near Doheny Drive in Los Angeles, the firm hosts 10 lawyers and two more of counsel. Seven of the firm's 10 attorneys have been rated in the Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review; six of them received AV ratings.

Angeleno native Neal R. Hersh, perhaps the most well-known of the practicing partners, received his B.A. from the University of Southern California in 1973. He later completed law school at Southwestern University in 1976. Hersh has made featured guest appearances on CNN's Burden of Proof, CNBC's Rivera Live, Court TV, Fox Cable News' The O'Reilly Factor, and Talk Radio's The Felder Report.

Joseph Mannis, who also attended USC for his undergraduate studies before earning his law degree from Loyola Marymount University in 1971, was named Southern California's "Super Lawyer" for 2004 and 2005 by Los Angeles Magazine. He was also the Concern Cancer Foundation "Man of the Year" in 2005. A regular lecturer and panel participant, Mannis has appeared on Geraldo Live and E! Entertainment Television.

Judy Bogen, the firm's third partner, is also both an alumnus of USC as well as of Southwestern University Law School.

Bogen and her partners are well known for their involvement in high-profile divorce and family cases, including representation of Kim Basinger in her divorce from Alec Baldwin; the Denise Richards-Charlie Sheen divorce; and the divorce of model/actress Pamela Anderson and musician Kid Rock.

Among the less-publicized matters handled by the firm have been Bogen's contributions as a member of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts and its committee, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee of the Judicial Council of California, which acts to monitor the justice system and services concerning children, youth, and families by reviewing legislation and public suggestions and proposing helpful alterations to standards.

The firm's philanthropic contributions to the residents of the Los Angeles area have also included donations to the Library Foundation of Los Angeles, Neal Hersh's position as vice chair for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles, and donations to L.A. Family Housing.
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