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Carol Sobczak opens new law firm in Napa

published May 30, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Carol Sobczak opens new law firm in Napa

Former partner with Coombs & Dunlap, Carol A. Sobczak has opened her new firm, with the moniker the Law Office of Carol A. Sobczak. Sobczak is a certified specialist in Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law and has been practicing for nearly 20 years in Chicago, San Francisco, and the Napa Valley. Her firm will help clients in trust and estate services, including drafting wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advanced health care directives, estate and gift tax planning, estate and trust administration, and charitable planning. Sobczak has set up offices in both St. Helena and Napa, reports She is also an active member of the Napa County Bar Association, St. Helena Rotary Club, and St. Joan of Arc Parish Pastoral Council.

London-based Latham pays highest among U.S. firms in England
U.S. law firm Latham & Watkins has turned out to be the highest paying law firm in London. Its pay packets to attorneys in the English city outmatch that of their peers in the Apple city, states The law firm confirmed that its first year solicitors receive remuneration of around £96,000 before bonuses. However, unlike many U.S. firms, which have set bonus system, Latham lawyers in the London office are not always assured of bonuses. In comparison, an average attorney at New York who gets paid $160,000 with conversion will get only £81,000, according to an exchange rate set in 2005. The new lawyers at Latham draw £4,000 more a year than the pay packets of their counterparts in other U.S. firms operating in England.


Innovative thief tries to kill two birds with one stone!
Thief first empties store coffer and then cozies up to the cashier

Are thieves getting any special lessons these days on how to rob a bank politely; or how to win the cash and the cashier; or how to rob and also help the police catch them? Seems so. Or how will one account for all these reports on chivalrous thieves who look like an alter image of Johnny Depp-Orlando Bloom combo? Add one more to that list. This thief, aided by another aide, polished off the contents of the cash drawer at a U-Haul store around 3 p.m. Sunday, and was about to make the 100-mts dash to safety, when one spotted this female employee, and applied brakes. Men! Patrick Sobocinski, store general manager said, this Casanova went up to the female and said: "Hey baby, you're pretty fine." Earlier, for the hold-up too, both thieves went behind the counter, put their arms around both employees' waists to demand for the cash. Then they made the others take to the ground while they fled...well almost. Our Casanova still had time to collect one more last detail..."Can I get your number and go out sometime?" She said no. He didn't linger on to ask for a second chance!
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