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May 28 2007 Legal Blog Roundup

published May 28, 2007

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Moving on, I have found something that will interest everybody in practice. The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals now has a wiki! And it contains a practitioner's handbook, too! Guided by Judge Frank Easterbrook, the wiki will lead counsel through the appellate process and provide access to opinions, rules, and information about 7th Circuit cases and procedures. Check out the May 11 post at V.U. Lawcity—The Valpo Law Blawg. I ardently wish other circuits would jump on the bandwagon.

Additionally, this week, the U.S. government issued an executive order that bars the hiring of contingent-fee attorneys by U.S. government agencies. I read about this move at Overlawyered. Apparently, the government no longer wishes to give the money of the poor to the deserving (contingent-fee lawyers), which would seem to contradict the hallowed traditions of spending government money. The Institute for Legal Reform is encouraging states to follow this hideous trend and join in on the campaign to impoverish attorneys. (I don't know why, but it seems failed lawyers are jealous of practicing attorneys who wield influence.)

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