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UC Irvine's New Law School Receives $1 Million Gift

published May 16, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Smith, the great-granddaughter of James Irvine, who acquired land in Orange County and turned it into Irvine Ranch, has been a great supporter of UCI. "From the very beginning, my mother and I always believed that UCI had to have a law school in addition to medical, business, and engineering schools in order for the campus to advance as a major university, so I am gratified to see it come to fruition," said Smith.

According to an article on, "by establishing what will be only the second public law school in Southern California, UCI will help increase accessibility for students from underrepresented groups in a region that has one of the fastest-growing and most diverse populations in the country."

The school of law is scheduled to open in 2009 and will offer a number of degrees, including the Master of Laws and Doctor of the Science of Law.

"The school will produce future leaders in law, government and business, and UCI law graduates will be particularly encouraged to pursue careers in public service, including non-governmental organizations and philanthropic agencies. As part of their training, UCI law students will provide legal services to people who are unable to afford counsel. They also will be encouraged to pursue public interest law through programs focusing on undeserved communities," said an article on
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