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The Paralegal Program at Wesley College, Dover, DE

published April 02, 2007

( 17 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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Most of the students who make up Wesley's multidenominational, multicultural student body hail from the Middle Atlantic region. While the majority of full-time students come straight from high school, there are opportunities available for nontraditional students.

Delaware is the country's first state, and Dover serves as its capitol. There are approximately 35,000 residents in the city and 2,400 students enrolled at Wesley College.

Several miles away in New Castle, Delaware, sits the New Castle campus, which was established to accommodate working adults by granting them exposure to both real-world business applications and classroom theory. Academically credentialed professionals practice what they teach and help students achieve their goals of lifelong learning.

The Wesley College Legal Studies Program offers an outstanding opportunity for students to train in a premier program approved by the American Bar Association. The program offers a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies for students who have proven their knowledge of the theoretical concepts and practical skills required for a career as a paralegal. An associate's degree and a post-baccalaureate certificate are also offered. Professor Flora F. Hessling, J.D., is the chair of the legal studies department.

The educational goals and objectives of the Wesley College Legal Studies Program require students to:
  • demonstrate their ethical responsibilities and obligations in the legal profession by following the ethical legal principles of the appropriate authorities in the relevant jurisdiction.
  • respond to the needs of the legal community by demonstrating a broad range of knowledge in distinct areas of substantive law and legal theories.
  • master the ability to think critically and form judgments through sound legal reasoning.
  • acquire and demonstrate mastery of superior written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills.
  • exhibit proficiency in finding applicable law through traditional means and the most current legal research technology.
  • demonstrate strong commitments to professional growth.
The Wesley College Legal Studies Program endeavors to fall in step with the standard code of ethical legal practice adhered to in the college's area of local control. It also strives to be responsive to the needs of the populace served by the program's graduates.
( 17 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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