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Patty Elias to serve as GC of SoftBrands

published March 27, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Patty Elias to serve as GC of SoftBrands

Patricia A. Elias has joined leading global supplier of enterprise application software SoftBrands, Inc., as general counsel. She will be handling the company's legal business matters and will report to Gregg A. Waldon, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of SoftBrands. Prior to joining SoftBrands, Elias served as Associate General Counsel of Lawson Software, Inc. SoftBrands provides software solutions for businesses in the manufacturing and hospitality industries. It has nearly 900 employees serving about 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries.

C. Jerome Dill joins Validus Holdings as GC
C. Jerome Dill will assume office as general counsel for Bermuda-based Validus Holdings, Ltd., and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Validus Reinsurance, Ltd., effective April 1. Dill joins Validus from law firm Appleby Hunter Bailhache , where he worked for 21 years. He has served as team leader for the firm's immigration and employment practice since 2001. Dill also served as Deputy Premier of Bermuda from 1995 to 1998. Validus Holdings is a specialized provider of reinsurance, conducting its operations worldwide through its wholly-owned subsidiary Validus.

Richard B. Levin to serve as BIDS GC, CCO & Secretary
Newly formed alternative trading system (ATS) BIDS Trading, LP, has named Richard Levin as its general counsel, chief compliance officer, and secretary to the board of directors. Levin will handle BIDS' legal, regulatory, and compliance matters. He will also work with U.S. regulators to make certain that BIDS fulfills all of their requirements. BIDS has been designed to increase competition and liquidity in the U.S. equity block trading market and is expected to launch in spring 2007. An industry veteran, Levin earlier served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and Secretary to the Board of Directors of EquiLend Holdings. He aims to make sure BIDS achieves its goal of creating a deep liquidity pool for all traders. BIDS Trading, LP, was developed by a consortium of leading financial services firms to resolve the need for block traders who can find legitimate trading counterparties without prematurely revealing trading intentions.

FirstBank appoints new GC
Tennessee-based FirstBank has appointed Nashville attorney Will Martin as its general counsel. FirstBank has a significant presence in the Nashville area. As General Counsel for FirstBank, Martin will work with Clay Petrey, General Counsel for Ayers Asset Management. Prominent West Tennessee banker and philanthropist Jim Ayers is FirstBank's chairman. Martin was a co-founder of law firm Harwell, Howard, Hyne, Gabbert & Manner, formerly known as Harwell, Barr, Martin & Sloan. He has represented a number of local publicly traded companies in the healthcare industry on mergers and other securities matters.

Zieroth joins CableLabs as GC
CableLabs has hired Lee W. Zieroth to serve as its senior vice president and general counsel. Prior to joining CableLabs, Zieroth served Comcast Cable as deputy general counsel. A cable industry veteran, Zieroth will look after the company's legal matters, including its direction in terms of strategy and policy, antitrust compliance, intellectual property rights issues, and general corporate and contractual matters. The company has invested heavily in Zieroth's legal, technical, and transactional expertise, particularly with regard to the cable industry. Established by members of the cable television industry, CableLabs is a nonprofit research and development conglomerate that helps to develop new cable-telecommunications technologies and cable operators to integrate these advancements with companies' business objectives.

Warhaft joins Pinetree Capital as GC
Canadian investment company Pinetree Capital, Ltd., has hired Wendy D. Warhaft to serve in its newly created general counsel position. Warhaft's responsibilities include advising and assisting the management with finance and mergers and acquisitions activities, as well as managing the company's continuous-disclosure and corporate-governance matters. A former partner with a top Canadian law firm, she has had significant experience as a corporate and securities lawyer and has represented mid-sized to major clients in the resource, technology, biotechnology, financial services, and consumer products industries. Pinetree handles equity securities for private and public issuers engaged in uranium mining, oil and gas, and various technology sectors.

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