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RainMaker launches Platinum version 8.0

published March 20, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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RainMaker launches Platinum version 8.0

RainMaker Software, Inc., which boasts that its legal software system has been designed with the most up-to-date technology, has announced the launch of RainMaker Platinum version 8.0, a consolidated legal software application for financial and practice management and business intelligence analysis. Most suited to mid-sized law firms, the financial-management legal software system has 400 new features. It provides users with increased efficiency, the ability to monitor performance by comparing it with business targets, the ability to make more informed decisions, and the ability to facilitate overall growth of a law firm. Benefits include simplified navigation, more practical applications, more comprehensive reporting, advanced budgeting, Microsoft-based technology, and reduced cost of ownership. A wholly owned subsidiary of ASA International, Ltd., RainMaker Software, Inc., has 37 years of legal-specific development experience and provides financial- and practice-management systems for mid-sized to large law firms.

Family-law firm deploys AdvologixPM has reported that The Law Offices of Joel A. Nass, a national divorce- and family-law firm, has successfully deployed AdvologixPM, a software suite that utilizes the SaaS (Software as a Service) delivery model. The Internet-based legal practice-management software system used by the firm's employees and associates provides secure access to client and case information from any location at any time. The solution also provides the firm's clients with secure access to their case information, thus enhancing the firm's client interactions. has been the first to deliver a comprehensive legal practice-management SaaS suite. The Law Offices of Joel A. Nass, a Houston, TX-based law firm, focuses on the areas of divorce, property, visitation, adoption, child custody and support, and wills and estate planning.

Law-firm and legal-department budgets show strong support for technology
A survey conducted by Edge Legal Marketing at the conclusion of this year's LegalTech New York conference found that there has been strong and sustained support for technology in law-firm and legal-department budgets. The 2007 Survey on Technology Budgeting and Spending reported that 67% of respondents' firms' or departments' technology budgets were on the rise in 2007; a meager 3% reported decreases. The survey identified data-storage and imaging equipment as the most researched types of hardware. 56% of the respondents reported that electronic discovery and related services were the most sought after at LegalTech New York. The conference, held January 29-31, witnessed 12,000 attendees, including lawyers, their support staff, IT professionals, and vendors catering to the needs of legal professionals. Edge Legal Marketing is a leading provider of marketing and public-relations expertise to companies targeting the legal market.

Panza Maurer successfully implements WinScribe's digital-dictation solution
Fort Lauderdale, FL-based Panza, Maurer & Maynard, P.A. , has reported significant improvements in report turnaround times since implementing WinScribe's digital-dictation workflow solution. The law firm earlier used an analog tape system but lost valuable time when tapes went missing or broke. Florida-based Integrated Data Technologies, a supplier of WinScribe solutions, installed the system within three days. The firm, which has nine transcriptionists working in two offices, is highly satisfied with WinScribe's performance. The new solution saves money and ensures the timely execution of tasks. Established in 1976, Panza, Maurer & Maynard serves a wide spectrum of public and private clients, assisting them with litigation, administrative, and regulatory matters.

Legal-marketing guru stresses the importance of effective Internet use
According to Stephen Fairley, a legal-marketing expert, effective use of the Internet and technology in small law firms is becoming increasingly important in today's competitive legal industry. Considering Internet use the latest trend in law-firm marketing, Fairley recently presented a seminar entitled "Becoming a Virtual Rainmaker—Advanced Internet Marketing for Attorneys." In order to find more clients via the Internet and technology, he recommends that small law firms and solo practitioners automate their marketing systems, develop prospect-attracting websites, and build online databases. Fairley has presented seminars for the last two years that have been attended by more than 5,500 attorneys, some of whom have been sponsored by state and local bar associations.

Fasken Martineau expands into Ottawa
In a merger with Johnston & Buchan, LLP, leading Canadian law firm Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, LLP, has expanded into Ottawa. The move will strengthen Fasken Martineau's media and telecommunications regulation practice—Johnston & Buchan has the largest number of communications lawyers in Canada. Fasken Martineau recently combined with Stringer Saul of London, a life sciences, mining, technology, and AIM finance specialist firm. With the Canadian expansion, Fasken Martineau now has more than 640 lawyers working in its offices in Canada, London, Johannesburg, and New York. The merger will be formally completed on April 1.

Chicago's top personal-injury firm hires new attorney
Personal-injury law firm Power, Rogers & Smith has hired a new attorney, Carolyn Daley Scott. A recent graduate of DePaul University College of Law, Daley Scott will work with attorneys at the Chicago-based law firm and assist clients with personal-injury issues. Daley Scott, who plans to become an accomplished trial lawyer, considers the law firm to be the best training ground for aspiring trial lawyers. While in law school, she clerked with the Cook County Public Defender's Office and served as part of the Public Defender's Murder Task Force. She has also worked as a law clerk at Power, Rogers & Smith and assisted the firm's renowned attorneys with personal-injury matters. Power, Rogers & Smith has been honored as the "Number-One Plaintiff's Law Firm in Chicago" by Chicago Lawyer magazine.

Gust Rosenfeld hires experienced lawyer as associate
Phoenix, AZ-based Gust Rosenfeld, PLC, has hired George A. Pisaruk, who will serve as an associate in the firm's business and finance departments. Pisaruk, who has 15 years of experience in the fields of law and business, has advised companies on matters including corporate governance, securities/business combinations, intellectual property, employment, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, and transactional issues. He also has significant experience in international transactions with businesses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Earlier, Pisaruk, served as general counsel for technology company iCrossing, Inc. Known for its public law and finance practice, Gust Rosenfeld has about 65 attorneys working from offices in Phoenix and Tucson.

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