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February 12 2007 Legal Blog Roundup

published February 12, 2007

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This has been a great week for political commentary on the legal blogs—which, of course, also means it has been a horrible week for politicians, Democrat and Republican alike. To begin with, Crime and Federalism published this less-than-flattering piece on John Edwards. All I can say is ouch. It's true that John Edwards loves to cater to his party, but hello! What politician doesn't? You can't fault Edwards for this kind of behavior alone; it's the typical M.O. for politicians. My favorite lines: "When other lawyers were working in legal aid clinics, Edwards was cream-skimming in the market in human suffering," and "while some served the poor and down-trodden as young men, Edwards got rich off the suffering of others." Honestly, I can't say that I really disagree with either of those statements, but that's some pretty harsh criticism.

And that's just the beginning of the political fun for this week. I'm sure you all heard about Cully Stimson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs, and his lovely commentary on attorneys who represent terrorists, covered by Above the Law. Obviously, his remarks were stupid (don't these people have aides who brief them on what they should and shouldn't be saying?), but leaving that aside…what kind of name is Cully Stimson? It sounds like it should be the moniker of Yosemite Sam's cartoon nemesis.

What would a weekly roundup of sarcastic political commentary be without some mockery of the president's inability to master (or even come to grips with) the English language? My former Constitutional law professor, Ann Althouse, commented on President Bush's humorous (well, humorous for George W. Bush) speech while addressing the Democratic Party on her blogspot, Althouse. What do you think? Did he actually use the phrase "sapping our soul"?

With that question in mind, I'll let you get back to your work/homework/procrastination. Don't forget to come back next week and waste more time with us!
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