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Winston and Strawn sees major recruitments

published February 08, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Winston & Strawn sees major recruitments

Winston & Strawn LLP appointed eight John J. Burke, and George T. Soterakis, hired as associates.

Elkin, whose expertise as a commercial litigator with special focus on copyright disputes in the music, entertainment, and technology fields is highly reputed in his field. Welcoming Michael and his team to the firm, Tom Frederick, head of the litigation department stated that the firm will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this team of highly skilled lawyers.

An international commercial law firm, Winston & Strawn LLP has 850 attorneys working from nine offices including Chicago, New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Paris, Geneva and Moscow.

Holland & Hart to tackle climate change issues
Denver-based Holland & Hart formed a new practice group which will concentrate on issues pertaining to global climate change. The first of its kind in the region, the firm's team to be led by James Holtkamp, will deal with climate change law and policy. It will cover areas including industrial energy use, renewable energy, and government relations. Holtkamp, who teaches Law of Climate Change at the University of Utah College of Law stated that the firm is capable of addressing climate issues affecting clients in the Rocky Mountain West and globally.

At the threshold of a "legal and policy tsunami" the firm looks ahead to tackling this complex area of law and public policy as climate change is affecting client industries majorly, remarked Lawrence Wolfe, managing partner of Holland & Hart. The firm's 13 offices house 350 lawyers involved in various practice areas.
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