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Panel debates ban on violent video game sales to minors

published December 04, 2006

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The law, which was supposed to go into effect on Nov. 1, was blocked by a federal judge last month after two video game industry groups argued it is an unconstitutional infringement on First Amendment rights of free expression.

Similar efforts to keep kids away from graphic games have been rejected in six other states on the grounds they amounted to a restriction on free speech.

One of the law's key authors, former Rep. Fred Morgan, said Thursday that legislators were careful to craft the bill in a way it could pass constitutional muster by making the law specific enough it would meet the Supreme Court's standard of strict scrutiny.

Andy Lester, an attorney who testified in legislative hearings on the bill, said it would be possible for the bill to survive a court challenge but acknowledged it was not likely.

"I believe it is possible for the government to regulate the sale and distribution up to a point," Lester said.

The Oklahoma law, passed by the Legislature unanimously this year, works by placing violent video games in the same category as other activities already deemed harmful to minors like pornography and adult nightclubs.

Although lower courts have rejected the idea that violence can be considered obscenity, the issue has never been touched by the Supreme Court, Lester said.

Morgan said studies have shown children who are exposed to violence in video games are more likely to commit aggressive acts and become desensitized to violent crimes.

But Caleb Lack, a psychology professor at Arkansas Tech University, said most of the studies done on the effect of violent video games on children have produced fairly inconclusive evidence.

Joey Senat, a journalism professor at Oklahoma State University, said one of the reasons there was not more public objection to the law is that many people don't understand their First Amendment protections well enough to defend them.

"People are woefully ignorant of their own rights," Senat said. "If you are ignorant of your rights you are not aware when they take your rights away."

  • Information from: The Oklahoman,
    Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or distributed.

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