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Apple hires IBM's senior VP and GC

published November 28, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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Apple hires IBM's senior VP and GC
Senior Vice President and General Counsel of IBM Donald J. Rosenberg has joined IT giant Apple Computer, Inc., as Senior Vice President and General Counsel. At Apple, Rosenberg will be responsible for handling all legal matters and government affairs activities. He has a broad range of experience involving litigation, securities, intellectual property, and antitrust matters. Previously, at IBM, Rosenberg held several key legal positions, including Senior Vice President and General Counsel of IBM Corporation, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel for Litigation, and Counsel to the IBM Mainframe Division. His work with securities, intellectual property, and competition issues has involved extensive interaction with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, and the European Economic Commission.

H&R Block appoints new GC
A major provider of tax, financial, mortgage, accounting, and business-consulting services and products, H&R Block, Inc., has named Carol Graebner Executive Vice President and General Counsel. Backed by strong business experience related to government matters, Graebner will be responsible for handling legal issues pertaining to government relations and advocacy outreach. Formerly, Graebner served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Houston-based Dynegy, Inc.

DynCorp names senior VP and GC
Newly formed public company DynCorp International, LLC, has announced the appointment of corporate attorney Curtis L. Schehr as its Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Schehr had been with Anteon International Corporation since 1996, serving as the company's Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary. He oversaw Anteon's corporate matters, including an initial public offering in 2002, and was also instrumental in the rapid growth of the company. DynCorp will gain leverage from Schehr's experience, which will assist the company in its aim to grow aggressively. DynCorp International provides outsourced technical services to military and civil government agencies and specializes in law enforcement training and support, base operations, aviation, and logistics services.

New Washington Post VP, GC, and corporate secretary
Veronica Dillon has been named Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary of The Washington Post Company. Succeeding Diana Daniels, who is due to retire soon, Dillon will assume her new role on January 2, 2007. Dillon has been working for Kaplan, Inc., the education division of Washington Post, since 2003 and has recently been offered the post of Vice Chairman. She has also served as Kaplan's General Counsel and was instrumental in its acquisition of 30 companies based across the globe. A diversified media and education company, Washington Post provides newspaper and magazine publishing, television broadcasting, cable television systems, electronic information services, and educational and career services.

HNBA names assistant dean GC
The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) has named Lorenzo Trujillo, former Assistant Dean of Students and Professional Programs for the University of Colorado's Boulder School of Law, as its General Counsel. Trujillo will provide advice to the president and the board of directors on all legal issues. He was previously a partner in Denver-based law firm Frie, Arndt & Trujillo and served as the in-house counsel for Adams County School District 14. Representing the interests of more than 33,000 Hispanic-American attorneys, judges, law professors, legal professionals, legal assistants, paralegals, and law students, HNBA's mission is to enhance the participation of U.S. Hispanics in the legal profession.

Indiana University designates legal counsel as VP and GC
Indiana University has designated Legal Counsel Dorothy J. Frapwell Vice President and General Counsel. Additionally, Frapwell will serve as the chief legal adviser to both the IU Board of Trustees and the school's president. The Board of Trustees of Indiana University selected Frapwell for the post based on the fact that most major research universities place general legal counsel responsibilities at the vice-presidential level. Frapwell has been associated with the university since 1975, when she was hired as Associate University Counsel. Subsequently, she was promoted to University Counsel and headed a team of six associate attorneys.

New GC at Boston Communications Group
With the addition of Timothy Donovan as General Counsel, Boston Communications Group, a provider of products and solutions to mobile operators and MVNOs worldwide, has significantly bolstered its management team. Donovan has extensive experience in corporate governance and finance, securities law and regulatory affairs, and intellectual property protection and marketing. He formerly served as Corporate Counsel and, later, as Senior Vice President and General Counsel to the NEC companies. As part of Boston Communications Group's management team, Donovan will advise on a wide range of commercial, financial, and technological legal matters.

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