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Wolf Greenfield in tie-up with Contact Networks, eyes business development

published November 13, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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Wolf Greenfield in tie-up with Contact Networks, eyes business development

Wolf Greenfield in tie-up with Contact Networks, eyes business development
Wolf Greenfield, whose specialty is intellectual property (IP) law, has availed the services of Contact Networks in order to streamline its important business connections. Contact Networks provides Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM) solutions for professional services firms.

For this 170+ attorney firm that caters to a diverse clientele, generating new business largely depends on having a highly efficient, technology driven networking system which could automatically keep track of all the contacts maintained by attorneys and professionals. Contact's new technology tool has the ability to identify and rank important relationships with quick installation, accessibility, and a flexible platform.

Law firms across the U.S. are increasingly using their relationships with clients as vital components to the expansion of their business and are using technology tools to pursue new clients, cross-sell, and market to existing clients.

Perkins Coie opens second office in China
U.S.-based firm Perkins Coie will be opening an office in Shanghai, China. Per the firm's press note, they recently got the approval from the Ministry of Justice in China. The firm already has an office in Beijing; with this addition, the firm's presence in China will increase to two offices.

With the addition of a new office in China, Perkins Coie intends to serve both U.S. and China clients in a number of industries including life sciences, venture capital, materials sciences, nanotechnology, software, and telecommunications, and will primarily focus on matters relating to intellectual property, business, and personal planning.
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