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How LeHocky got a job in a legal firm through LexisNexis

published October 19, 2006

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Even though online search engines and job search databases were not available when LeHocky was finishing law school, he took advantage of the basic technology he had access to. While conducting legal research during his internship, he became familiar with a legal resource known as LexisNexis.

LeHocky used LexisNexis, a searchable archive of legal documents and other printed sources, to look up prosperous law firms. He had a specific interest in antitrust law, so he began by looking up "firms whose names were attached to significant antitrust cases."

Using LexisNexis, "I identified a firm that had a phenomenal track record," LeHocky said. So he applied for a position at the San Francisco law firm, which was then called Broad, Khourie & Schulz. LeHocky accepted a job at the 20-attorney firm because of its antitrust specialization and success record, he said.
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