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5 Reasons to Work at Sidley Austin Brown Wood LLP A Look Inside the Leading Law Firm

published March 05, 2023

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Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP is one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the United States. This global law firm provides a full range of legal services to clients in the U.S. and around the world. The firm's practice areas span almost every area of the law, including antitrust, banking and finance, capital markets, corporate transactions, employee benefits, energy, entertainment, government Contracts, intellectual property, labor and employment, litigation and alternative dispute resolution, mergers and acquisitions, real estate and construction, restructuring, tax, and trusts and estates.

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood has offices in major cities throughout the U.S. and abroad, including Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Washington D.C., London, Paris, Tokyo, and Beijing. With more than 1200 lawyers, the firm offers its clients a broad range of legal services and solutions tailored to their unique needs.

The firm specializes in providing a full-service approach to its clients, including strategic counseling, legal advice and representation, alternative dispute resolution, and transactional and litigation support. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, government entities, and other nationally and internationally recognized organizations.

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood prides itself on its commitment to diversity and inclusion, which is reflected in its workforce, leadership, and practice. It is dedicated to fostering a culture that encourages an appreciation for diversity and inclusion among its lawyers, staff members, and clients.

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood strives to be a leader in the legal profession by providing its clients with the highest-quality legal services. Through its commitment to excellence, the firm has become one of the most respected law firms in the world. With its deep understanding of the law, its sophisticated and innovative approaches to problem solving, and its commitment to client service and satisfaction, the firm is well-positioned to serve the needs of its clients and to make a lasting contribution to the legal profession.

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood is an elite law firm that provides comprehensive legal services to a wide range of clients. With its deep understanding of the law and sophisticated, innovative approaches to problem solving, the firm is well-positioned to serve its clients' needs and make a lasting contribution to the legal profession. The firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion is demonstrated through its workforce, leadership, and practice, and its lawyers and staff are dedicated to fostering a culture of appreciation for those differences.

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP: An Overview

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP (SABW) was founded in 1866 and is one of the oldest and most respected law firms in the world. Based in New York City, the firm has more than 800 lawyers in its offices around the world. The firm is known for its expertise in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, antitrust, corporate finance, and international trade. The firm has also been at the forefront of intellectual property law, particularly patent and copyright concerns.

History of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP originated from the firm of Brown & Wood, which was founded in 1866. The firm was one of the earliest law firms in the United States to specialize in business law. In 1931, the firm merged with Sidley & Austin, a firm with similar practice areas. Following the merger, the firm was known as "Sidley Austin Brown & Wood."

Practice Areas of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP

The areas of practice of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP include: corporate law, including mergers & acquisitions, securities offerings, private equity, and venture capital; antitrust and trade regulation; intellectual property, including patents and copyrights; finance and banking, including project finance and public-private partnerships; environmental law; labor and employment law; and tax law.

Global Presence of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP is a global law firm with offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The firm's attorneys are admitted to practice in many jurisdictions, including the United States, Ireland, England, The Netherlands, China, and Japan.

Notable Accomplishments of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP

Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP has handled some of the most complex and high-profile matters in the business world. The firm has been involved in some of the largest private equity and venture capital transactions, including advising on a number of the world's largest buyouts. The firm has also provided advice on a number of landmark antitrust cases, including Microsoft's antitrust litigation. Finally, the firm has been involved in some of the world's largest financial restructurings, including advising on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

Before Al Capone and Harry Caray, Muddy Waters and the Playboy Mansion; Chicago was known as the home of the prestigious firm Sidley & Austin, which was founded in 1866. Today, the firm has maintained its reputation and grown to its position as one of the largest firms in the United States and across the globe. A 2001 merger with Brown & Wood (founded in New York in 1914—-a senior citizen in its own right) has created a legal empire comprised of around 1,500 attorneys in offices in Chicago, New York, Hong Kong, Brussels, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Shanghai, London, Geneva, Beijing, Singapore, and Washington, D.C.

2001 should have been a blithesome year for Sidley, Austin Brown & Wood. Sadly, there was little time to celebrate the merger of the two storied firms. Like many other New York establishments, Sidley had its main Manhattan offices located in the World Trade Center. A truly inspiring tale, the atrocities of September 11th wiped out the building; but remarkably, most Sidley employees emerged unscathed, and the branch recovered with astonishing alacrity.

Sidley has a wide array of practices befitting a firm of its size. The firm was recently commended for its IP work. However, its general corporate expertise is what Sidley is primarily recognized for. Clients include Chicago institution the Tribune Company, which the law firm aided in its merger with the Times Mirror Company. Sidley attorneys also handled the offering of KPMG Consulting. The IPO went for over $2 billion, and the Washington Business Forward called it the "Deal of the Year." Such a distinction, though never to be taken for granted, is almost run-of-the-mill at Sidley.

While the sophistication of cases is an important determining factor in selecting a firm, so is the office environment. Some firms, even those comparable in size to Sidley, lack diversity despite their overall numbers. Thankfully, Sidley features a strong sense of diversity. The firm has a Committee on Racial & Ethnic Diversity which oversees the trends of the firm; Sidley has even taken measures to aid other firms with diversity by creating the Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms. Wiley A. Branton, the former Dean of Howard Law School, was a partner at Sidley and the firm has set up a scholarship at Howard in his honor.

Sidley encourages pro bono work and claims that its attorneys logged almost 50,000 hours of pro bono service in 2003. Two Chicago partners, Linton Childs and David Schiffman, were singled out for their achievements. Not only is the firm committed to pro bono work, but it practices it at the highest level and possesses an experienced track record in the United States Supreme Court.

With an established name and the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with top-notch co-workers; Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood offers exceptional possibilities to dedicated corporate attorneys all over the world.
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