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Wuchitech named Deputy GC for Department of Defense

published August 01, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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Wuchitech named Deputy GC for Department of Defense

Former Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP, partner Roy Wuchitech has been named Deputy General Counsel for the U.S. Department of Defense. Wuchitech will be responsible for managing a legal team working on environmental law, as well as the department's installation issues. Prior to joining Sheppard Mullin, where he worked for 16 years, Wuchitech served under President George H.W. Bush as Acting General Counsel of the Air Force.

Wuchitech named Deputy GC for Department of Defense

New Deputy GC for Departmental and Legislative Service at the U.S. Department of Education
Robert S. Eitel has been named Deputy General Counsel for Departmental and Legislative Service at the U.S. Department of Education. Based in Washington, DC, Eitel will oversee the Business and Administrative Law Division and the Legislative Counsel Division of the U.S. Department of Education. He had previously served as Senior Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department and worked on employment, commercial, and tort litigation in New Orleans, LA. Eitel has expertise in employment law, Freedom of Information Act, commercial disputes, and student privacy rights.

SkyWest Airlines hires new Assistant GC
SkyWest Airlines has announced that Patricia Stambelos will be its new Assistant General Counsel. Based in Los Angeles, Stambelos will report to Todd Emerson, General Counsel - Operations. Her responsibilities will include administering the labor and employment litigation matters in California and supporting major litigation matters all through the airline. Stambelos brings 13 years of experience gained from serving a number of employment law firms in California and specializes in defending entities in cases of harassment, wrongful termination, discrimination, unfair competition, and wage/hour violations. A subsidiary of SkyWest, Inc., the company runs about 1,500 daily flights to around 120 cities in the U.S. and Canada.

Law firm attorney expected to join UH as GC
McCorriston Miller Mukai MacKinnon, LLP, partner Darrolyn Lendio is slated to join the University of Hawaii system as Vice President for Legal Affairs and University General Counsel. Her appointment is awaiting approval from The Board of Regents; if the board votes in Lendio's favor, she would begin her three-year contract on September 1. Lendio has added experience as City Corporation Counsel, a position she held from 1994 to 1996. Along with a team of attorneys, she had also worked in assisting the Board of Regents when former UH President Evan Dobelle was dismissed.

Candela recruits first legal counsel
International clinical solutions provider Candela Corporation announced the appointment of its first legal in-house counsel by naming Paul R. Lucchese, Esq., Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary. Lucchese's responsibilities include managing the global legal issues in areas including intellectual property, human resources, litigation, risk management, and regulatory compliance. Previously with Aspect Software, Inc., as Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary, Lucchese handled the international legal affairs of the company. Established in 1970, Candela's products help doctors and personal care practitioners treat patients using laser systems and other advanced technologies.

Alabama Power announces new GC
Mark A. Crosswhite has stepped in as Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Alabama Power Co. He joins the company from its parent company, Southern Co., where he was Senior Vice President and General Counsel in its power-generation business unit. Prior to joining the Southern Co., Crosswhite worked at Balch & Bingham, LLP, for 17 years. He is a member of the Birmingham Bar Association and the Energy Bar Association. Alabama Power supplies electricity to about 1.4 million residential and business customers in Alabama.

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