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Proskauer Rose to Implement Securities Task Force

published July 12, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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Proskauer Rose to implement securities task force

International firm Proskauer Rose has announced plans to begin working with publicly held companies to address stock options-related issues and matters of corporate governance. With the granting and exercising of corporate stock options triggering widespread public and regulatory investigations, Proskauer seeks to aid businesses in avoiding regulatory violations.

Proskauer Rose to Implement Securities Task Force

A multi-disciplinary Stock Options task force has been created by the law firm to deal with issues such as internal and governmental investigations, taxation, accounting, and Sarbanes-Oxley. The task force includes 25 senior attorneys with experience in stock options investigations.

Proskauer Rose has a staff of 650 attorneys practicing in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, general commercial litigation, private equity and fund formation, bankruptcy and reorganizations, trusts and estates, and tax law.

African American female managing partner appointed
Mary A. Daffin, a female attorney of African-American descent, has been afforded responsibility for managing the legal operations of the Texas-based firm Barrett Burke Wilson Castle Daffin & Frappier. Ms Daffin, now a managing partner, has been with the firm since its inception in 1990.

As quoted by, Ms Daffin is looking forward to expanding the role of the firm, which currently provides specialized legal services to the mortgage industry. The development is also a step towards propagating diversity in the profession, according to Ms. Daffin.

As per the available statistics of the National Association for Law Placement, there are no conclusive figures on the number of African-American female managing partners. Only 17% of law firm partners at major law firms, however, are female.

Ms. Daffin, a law graduate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, was also recently appointed Vice President of Professional Education for the Texas Bar's bankruptcy section.

Top San Diego attorneys join new firm
Noted San Diego-based attorneys Doug Pettit, Andrew Kohn, Tom Ingrassia, and Jennifer Lutz have joined the new law firm Pettit Kohn Ingrassia & Lutz PC to assist in business litigation, professional liability, personal injury, and employment litigation. Since starting operations in San Diego and Los Angeles in March 2006 with 11 attorneys, the firm has inducted four new lawyers.

Prior to partnering for the new practice, the four founding attorneys were shareholders at Klinedinst PC . Together they bring 50 years of combined experience in professional liability and employment law. Their clients include several notable corporations, including Fortune-500 companies.

Morrison & Foerster's new recruits
Morrison & Foerster LLP has recently hired Jonathan Kahn for its leading securities transactions practice in New York. The move is expected to strengthen the firm's capital market practice.

Previously a partner with White & Case, Kahn brings particular expertise in high-yielding debt offerings based on 15 years experience representing several public companies in corporate finance transactions and securities matters. With Kahn's inclusion, the law firm has expanded its operations in New York.

Morrison & Foerster is a global firm representing clients in the finance, life sciences, and technology industries, and it is particularly known for its business and litigation practices.
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