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New GC for CIGNA

published July 04, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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New GC for CIGNA

Carol Ann Petren has been appointed General Counsel and Executive Vice President at CIGNA. Succeeding Judith E. Soltz, Petren will be reporting to CEO H. Edward Hanway. She has served as Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at MCI, Inc., where she managed federal, state, and international regulatory matters; employment law; and other legal department operations. CIGNA provides employers with benefits programs in the field of healthcare and insurance.

Godfrey joins Texas A&M University System
Cullen M. "Mike" Godfrey has been named General Counsel at the Texas A&M University System. Previously a partner in the Austin, TX, office of Jackson Walker, LLP, Godfrey has held many key posts, such as General Counsel of Dallas-based Fina, Inc., and Vice Chancellor General Counsel and Chief Ethics Officer for the University of Texas System for four years. He brings in a wealth of experience from both the public and the private sectors in managing legal departments and counseling boards and executive management. The Texas A&M University System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a statewide network of nine universities, seven state agencies, and a comprehensive health science center.

Van Kula joins VWR International
George Van Kula has joined VWR International as General Counsel, Senior President, and Secretary. Prior to this, he served as Vice President and General Counsel, EMEA, at Honeywell International, Inc. VWR is a well-known international company involved in the global research laboratory industry. The company has a wide range of products, numerous manufacturers, and customers all over Europe and North America.

New GC for Cast Iron Systems
Cast Iron Systems has appointed Annamaria Chen as General Counsel. A Harvard graduate, Chen has previously worked with Raza Foundries and Cooley Godward, LLP, and possesses in-depth experience representing both private and public companies. Most recently, she served as Associate General Counsel and Senior Director at Wal-Mart, where she was responsible for compliance matters for the online division of the company's stores. Cast Iron Systems is the fastest-growing integration-appliance vendor. It is backed by technocrats from PeopleSoft, Microsystems, Vitria, and webMethods.

Dulberg New GC at GlobeOp
Andrea Dulberg will take charge as General Counsel at GlobeOp, as well as function as a member of the company's management committee. Succeeding Alison Gregory, who will move to the company's Enterprise Risk Management group, Dulberg will reside in GlobeOp's Harrison, NY, office. A University of Michigan Law School graduate, she has served for 20 years as a Securities, Corporate Governance, and Compliance Counselor. Previously, with International Paper Company as Chief Counsel, Dulberg managed all SEC issues and counseled on corporate governance and compliance matters.

Austin promoted to GC
Battelle, a science and technology nonprofit corporation, has promoted Russ Austin to General Counsel, Senior Vice President, and Board Secretary, effective August 1. With 20 years of legal experience, Austin has been serving as Associate General Counsel at Battelle for the past five years. He will succeed Jerry Bahlmann, who is due to retire after serving for 30 years. Located at Columbus, OH, Battelle is internationally recognized for its innovations in science and technology, which include its office copier machine (Xerox) and significant work in fiber and medical technology.

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