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Baker Botts announces associate pay raises in Texas

published March 17, 2006

By Author - LawCrossing

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Baker Botts announces associate pay raises in Texas

Baker Botts is the latest Texas firm to offer across-the-board associate raises. First-year associates at this firm will now make $140,000 per year. An additional bonus of $10,000 can be earned by billing a minimum of 2,300 hours.

Second-year associates will earn $145,000 with a likely bonus of up to $15,000 annually. Third-year associates will earn $150,000 plus a probable $25,000 bonus. A $160,000 base salary and expected bonus of $30,000 is slated for fourth-year associates. Fifth- through eighth-year associates will make between $170,000 and $190,000 with bonuses ranging from $40,000 and $50,000.

The firm raised salaries on the East Coast in late 2005 and is currently considering a second wave of associate raises for those offices.

Buchanan to increase first-year salaries in Philadelphia
First-year associate salaries at Buchanan Ingersoll in Philadelphia have been raised to $125,000, a competitive rate for the Pennsylvania market.

The firm is still contemplating pay raises for other associate levels. Salaries overall may not increase on a prorated basis, as the firm relies upon its bonus program to keep up with other firms. In fact, the firm has doubled associate bonuses for 2006.

Though Buchanan has implemented salary raises in some of its other offices, the level of increase in the Philadelphia office remains lower than in larger markets.

McGuireWoods to enhance LA presence with merger
McGuireWoods plans to merge with Van Etten Suzumoto & Becket in Los Angeles. The move will help McGuire Woods increase its Los Angeles presence after having opened a new office there last year.

The 40-attorney Van Etten Suzumoto & Becket represents corporations and individuals in industries from healthcare to pharmaceutical and technology, among others. The 750-lawyer McGuireWoods is listed at No. 63 on the Am Law 100 rankings of U.S. law firms and boasts a global presence with 15 offices in the United States, Europe and Central Asia. It caters to clients in the public, private, government and nonprofit areas in industries such as automotive, energy, health care, telecommunications, technology, manufacturing and transportation.

Lawyer Joke of the day
Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of the great Irish-Americans, we are forgoing our standard lawyer joke for a joke that shames and denigrates the Irish people on their special day. This joke is based on one told on the Judged message boards by the inimitable Imavixen.
An Irish priest is driving in his car towards church. He reaches the church, pulls into the parking lot, but finds it full.

He drives up and down each lane to no avail. Every parking space is taken.

Realizing he is late for service, the priest gets desperate. He rolls down the window of his car and looks to the heavens.

"Dear Heavenly Father," the priest shouts towards the sky. "Help me find a parking space."

The priest madly circles around the full parking lot.

"Lord, take pity on me," pled the priest. "If you can help me find a parking space this once, I will never use another curse word again. I will never drink a single drop of whiskey. I'll be kind to children and animals, and I'll give up my dirty magazines! Please Lord, help me find a parking space!"

Just then, the priest found the only open space in the lot.

"Never mind, God," said the priest. "I found one."

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